Pitch Day … !!!

Seeing the interns dressed as the professionals they will undoubtedly become, feeling the nervous excitement in the room as they put last-minute touches on their presentations while the judges made small talk, made me think back over the past three weeks. This was the culminating event of our intensive internship that bound together a group of strangers into friends, into teammates, into collaborators.
Watching these high school students present their game concepts to Brian, Justin, and Talya, I was amazed to see the final design concepts each team had artfully crafted. Each game concept was tailored to the specs laid out by OhHeckYeah in their Request for Proposal. The games, Fly Pig, Otter Space, Ready to Rock, and Desert Dash showcased all of the design work that we’d done, all of the effort and skill of the interns, and all of the fun that we’d had on our collective journey. It was inspiring to say the least.
This group of amazing high school interns, with their professional work ethic and adolescent fervor for fun, outdid themselves and are certainly bound to do great things. It was truly a pleasure getting to know Courtney, Shemsu, Honor, Sophia, Zef, Adonis, Adrian, Sarah, Minah, Claudia, and Akil!

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